普工 4000~5500
广东,广州番禺| 经验不限| 学历不限| 类型全职| 年龄:18 - 35


  • 社保五险
  • 包吃
  • 带薪年假
  • 年终奖
  • 员工旅游
  • 做六休一


上班时间:9:00-12:00 下午14:00-18:00(每天七个小时) 中午包吃,不包住 周日休息,节假日休息, 男,试用期一个月 组装音响、组装音响所需要的配件收材料,发货等。做事认真负责,有责任心,勤快。 可电话联系13928814230微信同号


面试地址:广州市番禺区大龙街傍西城区大道97-8号声迈科技 查看地图
联系电话: 点击查看

公司招聘职位 (3)

区域业务经理 招3 人 8000以上
经验不限| 学历不限| 广州广东,广州番禺 2024/4/25
普工 招2 人 4500以上
经验不限| 学历不限| 广州广东,广州番禺 2024/3/11
经验无要求| 学历不限| 广州番禺 2024/2/21
广州声迈电子有限公司,作为一家专门从事研发、生产、销售、工程服务于一体的音响设备制造商,采用欧洲知名厂家定做单元和世界著名品牌电子元器件来保证产品的一致性及品质,严格把控品质关,打造行业顶尖水平。 公司旗下品牌英国AE,一直秉承着为客户带来性价比最高及最合适产品的理念,以“思维决定高度、细节决定品质”为宗旨,注意每个细节,无论是在产品品质、服务品质,我们将力求做到最好,不断推出更符合市场需求的产品,将专业音响产品和服务推向一个更高的层次。 声迈公司是一家以行业精英人才为骨干的企业,做实事,求实效,勇于创新,追求完美,我们始终坚信,产品品质是企业的生命,优质的服务是企业生存之本,我们将以实际行动来证明及回报我们的客户和用户。 Guangzhou Sound Mai Electronics Co., Ltd. as a manufacturer specializing in R&D, production, sales, engineering services in one audio equipment manufacturer, using well-known European manufacturers customized units and world-renowned brand electronic ponents to ensure product consistency and quality, strict control of quality, to create the industry's top level. ? The pany's brand AE UK, has been adhering to the concept of bringing the highest cost-effective and most suitable products for customers, with "thinking determines height, detail determines quality" as the purpose, pay attention to every detail, whether in product quality, service quality, we will strive to do the best, and constantly introduce products more in line with market demand. We will push professional audio products and services to a higher level. ? Shengmai pany is an enterprise with the industry elite as the backbone, doing practical things, seeking practical results, being brave to innovate, and pursuing perfection. We always believe that product quality is the life of the enterprise, quality service is the survival of the enterprise, we will prove and return to our customers and users with practical action.